This quick how to guide will show you how to recompile your Ubuntu 11.04 ( Kernel using the terminal.
1. Install these packages
sudo apt-get install kernel-wedge kernel-package libncurses5-dev
2. Run this command
sudo apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends linux-image-$(uname -r)
3. Create your source directory
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
4. Download the Kernel source
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
5. Configure your Kernel
cd linux-2.6.38
make menuconfig
6. Speed up the build
General rule, concurrency level = number of processor cores + 1
7. Clean up temp files from a previous compile attempt (skip if necessary)
make-kpkg clean
8. Compile your Kernel
time fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-tweak kernel-image kernel-headers
You can change -tweak to anything you wish
9. Install your Kernel
cd ~/src
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-
10. Reboot
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